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Tuesday 28 August 2012

For the first time in history, the Olympics opened their doors to social media. Working for months on developing their social media strategy, the Olympics fully embraced Facebook and Twitter as a way to report on the two week competition and to communicate with Olympic followers around the world.
Over 150 million tweets were posted, and they hit an all-time high of mobile devices accessing their website. Reports show that Usain Bolt racked up an astonishing 962,756 Twitter mentions, or 80,000 tweets per minute, while McDonalds led amongst brands with 159,410 mentions.* More than 116 million posts and comments relating to the Olympics were posted on Facebook.** Now going back to the Olympics and mobile websites, recent reports show that this is the first time that users accessed the official Olympics webpage, London2012.com, on a mobile phone or tablet more than a desktop computer.
Now that's impressive....

Thursday 23 August 2012

Let’s start by looking at the most important question: “WHY?”, so you can decide whether you even want to keep reading!

If you think about it, there are 2 main ways you can increase your profits: You can either
1. increase turnover, or
2. decrease cost of sales/expenses.
So when we look at the “WHY” of doing anything on the Internet, it is with these 2 questions in mind: does Mobile Marketing (or any other Internet related activity) help increase turnover or decrease the cost of sales?
With that in mind, let’s first look at the “obvious” reasons everyone keeps telling you about:
The Facts

The mobile revolution is pretty much global and it touches all customers. Over the last 5 years alone, 2 Billion new users have gone “mobile”.
It is estimated that in 2012, around 49 Million new mobile smartphones will ship in the UK alone.

In other words:
Mobile phones are everywhere, and people use them everywhere.

We could now give you hundreds of stats to back this up, bot it's late so I'll let you off.

Wednesday 22 August 2012

What Exactly is 'Mobile Marketing, How Does it Work & Why Should I Care

If you are like most other business owners, you will have heard that you “must” do mobile marketing.
And most likely, no one has really sat down with you and explained to you 
1. WHY you should care, (or: if you should care),
2. WHAT “Mobile Marketing” really is, and
3. HOW it works in practice
And that’s exactly the purpose of this short guide on “Mobile Marketing For Business”:
After reading this guide you’ll have a good enough understanding of this whole “Mobile Marketing thing”, so you can make an informed decision on
- Whether you actually want to do Mobile Marketing, 
- Whether you want to do it yourself, or rather get a Mobile Marketing service provider to do it for you, and
- If you’re planning to outsource the work, how to select a reliable and trustworthy service provider

To follow.....
 Why Should You Care? (or Should You Care At All?)